Tweaking Nature for a Better Tomorrow
What are the "facts" behind this much touted idea of a human-caused Global Warn- ing? Simply that they are not our facts. Join and help us Spread Our Own Facts.
We take pride in the fact that the views of our "experts" are inconsistent with established knowledge. Like the "experts" used extensively by the tobacco industry, we are developing a strategy to recruit "scientists" who will happily counteract the growing evidence on the harmful effects of human-caused carbon build-up.
Handsome hiring bonuses and full medical coverage insures a steady stream of "experts" whose "data" is something that we can actually use to grow more profits! If the facts don't fit, we make them fit. After all, that's why God invented editors.
We compliment this tactic with the denigration of so-called "established scientific experts." We discredit their work, labelling their research as 'junk science'. They are usually too polite to defend themselves, and instead attempt to lecture the public with boring facts and figures.
Our appeal to the fears and desires of the masses is much more effective. Contrary to what the liberal media would have you believe, "Denial" is indeed a River in Egypt. Two rivers actually. But what of those two Denials? How do they fit into your pitiful day to day work-a-day world?